My Story
My name is Kelly Dazzi and I live on the Cape with my husband and 4 children. My 2 oldest are on the Autism Spectrum. My son Dyllan is 7 years old, non verbal, and also carries the diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder. My daughter Jazlynn, who is 6, could not be more opposite on the spectrum. She is very loud, outspoken, strong willed and very particular about everything and anything. My son Clyde is very funny, wild and outgoing and is 4. My fourth and final child Kalvyn turned 2 in March and is the happiest and sweetest baby boy. I never in a million years thought I would have 4 children let alone 2 on the autism spectrum, but here I am.
I created this blog not only as an outlet for myself, but to help families going through this rollercoaster called Autism, not feel so alone. I also wanted to raise awareness to Autism. Before getting pregnant, I barely ever heard the word Autism, then to have 2 children diagnosed with it was terrifying. I hope those who are affected by Autism find my blog to be helpful and feel like they have a place they can read similar struggles and challenges and feel like they have an ally.
Get in touch. Drop us a line.